HR Pros Rejoice: Discover Innovative Off-Cycle Benefits to Help Ease Employee Stress


Relax and Recharge: Offer Off-Cycle Benefits and Reduce Open Enrollment Stress

Simple & Stress Free Enrollments

  • Enrollment Types: Discover the Convenient and Rewarding Options for Employee Benefits Enrollment: Choose from Online, Paper, Meetings, Webinars, One-on-One, Self-Service Portals, Benefits Fairs, and Electronic Enrollment.
  • Hr Portal For Account Management: Save time, go online! Self-service account management. Access to reports,billing.
  • Off-Cycle & No Waiting Period: Can reduce stress during open enrollment by allowing employees to enroll in or make changes to this voluntary benefit outside of the typical open enrollment period, providing flexibility and peace of mind. This is a NOW Benefit.
​We work hands-on with employers to assist with setting up our employee benefits. Your account manager will walk you through the simple implementation timeline and enrollment communications options, then launch a marketing microsite, which can be customized for your employees, within 48 hours

 We are dedicated to delivering these benefits in a way that benefits both the employees and the employers.


LegalShield offers comprehensive legal protection for employees, reducing their stress and providing peace of mind. With access to a network of qualified lawyers, employees are equipped to handle legal matters on their own terms and with the support of an experienced attorney.

No Cost To The Employer, Over 60% avg. Participation, Can't Be Used Against Employer

Benefits of Offering LegalShield as Voluntary Employee Paid Off-Cycle Benefits:

  • Empowers employees with access to comprehensive legal services, providing peace of mind and security
  • Includes the option for employees to get their will and estate planning done, ensuring their loved ones are protected in the event of their passing
  • Increases employee morale and reduces stress, as employees are able to handle legal matters with the support of experienced attorneys
  • ​Demonstrates the employer's commitment to the financial and personal well-being of their employees, improving company culture and employee retention

Benefits of Offering IDShield as Voluntary Employee Paid Off-Cycle Benefits:

  • Comprehensive identity theft protection: IDShield provides employees with comprehensive identity theft protection, including 24/7 monitoring and alert services, to detect and respond to any potential theft or compromise of personal information.
  • Peace of mind: By having IDShield, employees can have peace of mind knowing their personal information is protected and that they have access to the resources they need to recover in the event of identity theft.
  • Expert restoration: In the event of identity theft, IDShield offers expert  services in restoring their identity and resolving any related issues.
  • ​IDshield's reputation management services help employees proactively protect and improve their online reputation, reducing stress and improving their professional image.

The impact of identity theft on the victim can lead to financial strain, time off work to resolve the issue, and a loss of confidence in their personal and professional life.

What is the process for implementing voluntary benefits in our company, and what resources will be required?
Discover the Convenient and Rewarding Options for Employee Benefits Enrollment: Choose from Online, Paper, Meetings, Webinars, One-on-One, Self-Service Portals, Benefits Fairs, and Automatic Enrollment.
How is this different than an EAP?
LegalShield offers specialized and comprehensive legal protection, while EAPs typically provide short-term counseling and referral services for various personal and work-related issues. LegalShield provides access to a network of qualified lawyers, allowing employees to handle legal matters on their own terms and with the support of an experienced attorney. In addition, LegalShield also offers the option for employees to get their will and estate planning done, ensuring their loved ones are protected in the event of their passing. On the other hand, EAPs typically require the employee to reach out for help and do not offer specialized resources for legal issues. LegalShield offers peace of mind and protection for both personal and legal issues, while EAPs primarily focus on addressing personal and workplace challenges.
How is the average participtaion over 60%?
Legal coverage is one of the top voluntary employee benefits currently in demand. These benefits can provide employees with peace of mind and financial protection in the event of legal issues such as divorce, real estate transactions, and will preparation.
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See specific details on terms, coverage, pricing, conditions and exclusions in the Personal Legal Plans section of this website. LegalShield provides access to legal services offered by a network of provider law firms to LegalShield members and their covered family members through membership based participation. Neither LegalShield nor its officers, employees or sales associates directly or indirectly provide legal services, representation or advice.